English, Films

The Prisoner of Sakura

  1. Summary
  2. Information


In 2018, a young TV assistant director, Sakurako, is told by her boss to go to Russia to prepare coverage of a local Russian cemetery, but she isn’t particularly interested. Sakurako’s grandmother then tells her that the young girl’s family roots are in Russia. She eventually comes to learn a stunning truth while reading a diary shared by a Russian soldier and a Japanese nurse during the Russo-Japanese war.

Screening Date / Place: Sunday, January 19th, 2020 11:00 a.m. 〜 /Uchiko-za Theater
Sunday, February 2nd, 2020 3:30 p.m. 〜 / Kihoku-cho town hall, Hiyoshi branch small hall
Release year 2019
Country of Production Japan / Russia
Screening time 111 minutes
Screenplay / Director / Editor Masaki Inoue
Cast Junko Abe / Rodion Galyuchenko / Takumi Saitoh / Issei Ogata
Ticket ・ローソンチケット(Lコード:L66060)

