English, Films

【End】Love Strikes!

The screening has ended. Thank you very much.
  1. Summary
  2. Information


Yukio Fujimoto. 31 years old. No money. No dreams. No girlfriend.
Yukio graduates from being a temp, and he tries to start a new life as a writer for a news website. Life, however, remains lonely and boring for him. Until, that is, he is struck by the “moteki” phenomenon – a period in a man’s life when he is suddenly popular with women.

Screening date / place Undecided
Release year 2011
Country of production Japan
Runtime 118 minutes
Director Hitoshi Ohne
Writer Based on the comic by Mitsurou Kubo
Cast Mirai Moriyama / Masami Nagasawa / Kumiko Aso / Riisa Naka / Yoko Maki / Nobuaki Kaneko / Lily Franky
Ticket ・ローソンチケット(Lコード:L66060)

