A young dental technician, Daichi, meets his childhood friend Manatsu again, who similarly works as a dental hygienist at a clinic in a suburb of Tokyo. Though his co-workers consider Daichi trustworthy and considerate, his father, who runs a dental technician’s office, thinks less of Daichi’s work. Daichi then receives a complaint from a patient. Manatsu tries to comfort a dejected Daichi, but they end up having an argument.
Screening date | Sunday, January 19th, 2020 10:00 a.m. ~ (Must apply to the Ehime Dental Association / Capacity of 120 / Apply by December 26th, 2019 (first-come, first-served basis)) |
place | Auditorium at the Ehime Prefectural Museum of Art |
Release year | 2019 |
Country of production | Japan |
Runtime | 89 minutes |
Director | Jiro Enomoto |
Original story by | Akiyoshi Sekoguchi |
Screenplay | Ryuta Kawasaki |
Cast | Mahiro Takasugi / Seia Yasuda / Yuichi Kimura / Yuki Tsujimoto / Tetsuhiro Ikeda |
Host | Ehime Dental Association |
Co-host | Executive committee of EIFF |